Cookies från SpotX

SpotX Cookie List


This cookie list shows all cookies dropped by SpotX for performing it’s Core Business. It displays the name and domain under which the cookie is dropped and the lifetime.

­NameDomainNominal LifetimeOpt out LifetimePurposePersonal Data
audience*.spotxchange. com365 days365 daysSetting of User ID which allows for the purposes described:In order to prevent over 
exposure of a particular campaign to the Data Subject, SpotX and the respective DSP perform frequency capping. The cookie_id is technically required for this purpose. 
Allows for matching of 
the cookie_id to enable the Sub-process ors’ purposes of processing, including and not limited to Frequency capping. 
The purposes of the cookie_id is:User ID
Opt out*.spotxchange. comN/A10 YearsAllowing us to see if the User has Opted outNone
sync*.spotxchange. com30 secsN/ASets a short stay cookie for the priority syncing process with publisherUser ID