Cookies från Brain

Brain cookies

CategoryNameUsed byExpiration TimePurposePersonal DataTransfered to third parties
Cache__cfduidCloudflare1 yearContent delivery optimization used by CDN (
Statistics & audiencesbuidBrain1 yearThis is a 3rd party random identifier used by Brain to distinguish anonymous user's browsers.NONO
Statistics & audiencesdepBrain1 yearThis is a 1st party random identifier used by Brain to distinguish anonymous user's browsers.NONO
Statistics & audiences_snrtBrain1 yearThis is a 1st party random identifier used by Brain to distinguish anonymous user's browsers. Deprecated and will be removed in the near future.NONO
DMP-cookie_snrtBrain1 yearThis is a 1st party random identifier used by Brain to distinguish verified user's browsers. Deprecated and will be removed in the near future.NONO
AnalyticsLeiki_wgttrgLeiki10 yearsThis is a 3rd party random identifier used by Leiki to build anonymous contextual profilesNOLeiki
Ad targetingsessAppnexu24hThis is a 3rd party random identifier used by Appnexus to test user's browser's third party supportNOAppnexus
Ad targetinguuid2Appnexus30 daysThis is a 3rd party random identifier used by Appnexus to distinguish user's browsersNOAppnexus
Ad targetingtuuidPlatform 16113 monthsThis is a 3rd party random identifier used by Platform 161 to distinguish user's browsersNOPlatform 161
Ad targetingtuuid_last_updatePlatform 16113 monthsThis is a 3rd party random identifier used by Platform 161 to distinguish user's browsersNOPlatform 161
Ad targetinguidAdform60 daysThis is a 3rd party random identifier used by Adform to distinguish user's browsersNOAdform
Ad targeting__kuidBidtheatre90 daysThis is a 3rd party random identifier used by Bidtheatre to distinguish user's browsersNOBidtheatre
Ad targetingKADUSERCOOKIEPubmatic90 daysThis is a 3rd party random identifier used by Pubmatic to distinguish user's browsersNOPubmatic
Ad targetingKTPCACOOKIEPubmatic90 daysThis is a 3rd party cookie used by Pubmatic to test user's browser's third party supportNOPubmatic
Ad targetingOracle: bku, bkdcOracle6 monthsThis is a 3rd party random identifier used by Oracle to distinguish user's browsersNOOracle
Ad targetingDoubleClick: IDEDoubleClick1 yearThis is a 3rd party random identifier used by DoubleClick to distinguish user's browsersNODoubleClick